does it work?

Hey it’s Xavier

I used to ask myself this question early on in my journey…will it work?

If I try this…will it work?

I then started to realize there were better questions to ask.

  • Has it worked for someone else?

  • Is it currently working for someone else?

  • What are my potential downsides, if any?

  • What are my potential upsides?

This allowed me to escape this inner critic in my head that my buddy Ryan calls the “Lesser Self”.

This Lesser Self has stopped me dead in my tracks, prevented me from achieving my goals, and has wreaked havoc on my life.

Until I started bypassing him altogether. I don’t even let him get a say anymore and it starts with asking the “right” questions.

The wrong questions are like a bat signal call him in to destroy my progress.

Yesterday a client emailed me about her Google Search Campaigns.

Now this might help you answer the questions above…

  • Has it worked for someone else? (Yes)

  • Is it currently working for someone else? (Yes)

  • What are my potential downsides, if any? ($250)

  • What are my potential upsides? (135x ROI)

*Disclaimer I am in no way saying this is average or you’ll get the same results by any means but it will help you defeat that inner voice of the lesser self.

This same marketing channel is what allows me to run a business that gives me an ROI (return on investment) and ROT (return on time).

So, why don’t more people do it this way?

It’s not easy, it’s a little bit advanced and the gurus want to sell you easy.

Easy = saturated

Why do you think all the MLS/Agent Outreach guys are telling you to cold call again?

It was easy and now it’s oversaturated.

SMS marketing recently got shut down on most platforms so what are your options?

  • Cold Call (Hated Telemarketers)

  • Mailers (Low Response Rate)

  • Driving For Dollars (Time-Consuming)


You can run ads or buy leads for sellers already interested in selling and be the problem solver.

Instead of being the spammy, annoying, time-crunched investor.

Talk soon,


P.S Don’t let the lesser self sabotage your success