May Challenge

Hey it’s Xavier,

Over the past few months, I have been pissed off!

For the longest time, I couldn’t understand why I was so angry.

It wasn’t until a friend pointed out one big glaring issue….

Once he pointed it out, it all made sense.

Inside a great book called “The Code of The Heroic Self” there’s this concept called the lesser self.

The lesser self is a terrorist…

The lesser self is always looking for a way to destroy you…

The lesser self is the weakest version of you…

If you aren’t careful, this lesser self will take control and lead you into ruin.

You have to be constantly aware of who’s in control.


  • Journaling

  • Mentors

  • Accountability Partners

When this lesser self takes control, it feeds on your insecurities, flaws, and fears.

For me, my biggest flaw….COMMITMENT

But not in the usual way.

Usually, a lack of commitment looks like quitting.

My lesser self led me to believe I was fucking Superman.

I can take on this project, I can do this task, I can do it all.

The truth.

I can’t do it all.

I was half-assing my way through things, trying to do it all.

My lesser self was in control, living off fear of failing, fear of missing opportunities.

It wasn’t until I was called out that I realized this had been a pattern my whole DAMN life.

Lack of commitment.

I got extremely pissed and decided to write a new script.

I dropped the projects that weren’t aligned with my desired outcomes.

& now, I am narrowing my focus.

I will say thanks if it falls outside these main objectives, but HELL NO!

What are my objectives?

  • Objective #1: Become a world-class marketer who gets paid to get better.

  • Objective #2: Build a 100x leveraged real estate business to $1m/yr

  • Objective #3: Become an elite family coach/husband

You get to have a front seat to the whole journey.

I will be competing with my friend Stratton Brown to see who can build a $1m wholesale business in 6 months the fastest.

What he doesn’t know is I have a secret advantage…

I’ll share it all here over the coming weeks, so stay tuned.


P.S Go pick up this book; it’s free; just cover shipping. It’ll change your life if you are ready for it.