Life Update

Hey, it’s Xavier,

I wanted your opinion on something.

For those of you that are new, you might not know that I am married and have 5 kids….yes 5 kids!

I survive on caffeine most days…while trying to build a business, be a present dad and a loving husband.

One of the things I’ve learned about embracing the chaos in my life is creating time to think.

Not only think about how I am going to survive this week but also about the future.

Once every 2 weeks I take half a day to plan, to strategize, to think, and once a month I take a whole day to think.

Usually, I go golfing then grab some lunch and sit around with my notebook.

This time has led me to make better-quality decisions like dissolving a previous business that was draining me and started documenting my journey with the help of a mentor Ryan Fletcher.

That mentor gave me a different outlook on how to build, grow, and scale a business.

Often it takes working with someone who’s miles ahead of you to help you see which turns to take and which turns to avoid.

That guidance has led to me building a new framework that I use to make decisions in my life….

…..decisions that are now focused on my core principles but also decisions that help move me closer to my desired goal.

My goal at this stage in life is to live a simpler life, one where I focus on my return on time.

I still want to make good money ($50k/mo) but not at the expense of being a terrible father or husband. (core principles)

This is an extremely hard challenge for someone like me who’s naturally ambitious and grew up competing in sports.

I want to do more always!

It’s hard to sit idle so I had to look at my environment and see what was causing me to feel so ambitious.

During one of my thinking days, I realized it was my “burn rate” and my relationships.

Burn rate = monthly expenses

My “burn rate” was simply too high so I had to keep doing more to maintain and stay ahead of my burn rate.

So I was faced with a choice….

  1. Lower burn rate (less pull to do more)

  2. Make more money (less time initially)

  3. Do both (🤔 )

Option #3 was interesting to me how could I do both?

I’ve learned that rarely in life are things binary there’s always another option if looked at correctly. (The Third Door)

So, here’s how I am doing both…

I moved family across the country to a lower-cost-of-living area in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

This reduced my burn and gave me more capital to hire help in my business so I could have greater leverage.

Now I can hire the right “who” on my team to help me make more money without increasing my time in the business.

This was always a struggle living in AZ as the cost of living has increased and my circle of friends were all focused on doing more.

I had to decide how long I wanted to stay in that trap and how long I wanted to wait to live the life I journaled about.

It feels like this should be Business 101 but it’s so easy to get stuck in the trap of trading time for money and always trying to grow.

I was a prisoner.

This move helped me bring that life to a closer time horizon by disabling two forces that were holding my heels.

So only time will tell if I made the right call. What do you think?