I’m sorry. This is just wrong.

Hey, it’s Xavier again,

Quick one before I head to bed here in AZ.

Earlier, we talked about the state of lead gen for real estate investors, and it’s looking bleak.

Cold calling causes brain damage (even if you use VAs)

Cold SMS will get you sued.

Direct Mail will take a century.

Facebook Ads are overpopulated.

Driving for dollars only works if you have all day.

So what are you supposed to do?

Well, you have to adapt…

In every industry, marketing has evolved.

Stocks used to be sold via mail.

Then, they were sold via telegram.

Then over the phone & now you can buy them on your iPhone.

The natural progression is to inbound marketing in every industry.

You can go online to buy cars now instead of going to the dealership to have them sold.

You can buy homes by shopping via Zillow and then reach out to an agent.

Everything is going digital…even real estate investors.

The problem is that right now, the overpriced agencies are the gatekeepers.

So you must settle for Pay-Per-Lead (which lead quality is plummeting fast) or do things the old way.

You have to stop outsourcing your marketing.

It can be done even if you aren’t a marketer or savvy with a computer.

In the morning, I’ll share how to solve this problem for good.

Xavier Major

P.S Reply back to this email with what marketing you are doing, and I’ll send you a quick loom on how you can scale it up to start doing more deals.