Here's why you follow up

People often talk about the fortune being in the follow up.


How many are actually doing it?

I’d be the first to admit I have a terrible memory.

I forget my keys and wallet all the time.

But I knew that in order to make money in business I had to engineer a process for me to follow up.

In my CRM I simply move a card, make a call and leave a voicemail.

This means I don’t have think or remember I just set a reminder and execute.

This is a conversation from a seller that clicked on my ad and filled out a form back in April.

We went back and forth but couldn’t come to a deal back then.

But I kept following up.

This morning at 6am I get a phone call and a text.

By 10am I had a signed contract.

According to my CRM I reached out to her 12 times since April.

Would I have remembered to follow up 12 times if I didn’t have a CRM?

Probably not…

Would I have missed out on this deal?


Success in real estate is about generating leads and converting those leads into deals.

Unlike other businesses that conversion doesn’t always happen same day.

Often times (80%+) it happens months or even years down the road.

This is why its critical to have a system if you want to succeed in real estate long term.

Based on the numbers I’ll make about $20k on this deal…

So you might ask was it worth it?

I paid $120 for the lead…$600/mo for systems so all in $2520 to make $20k.

That’s a great ROI if you ask me.

For that are wondering here’s the system I use it’s built by my buddy Ryan Fletcher called the “ACS Machine”

If you want my help setting up your marketing and systems just reply to this email “I’m in” and I’ll get you over the details.
