Does Hard Work = Success?

There's this narrative in wholesaling that in order to be successful you have to work a shit ton of hours, make sacrifices and eat đź’© to be successful.

And while that's partly true let me share a lesson from Dan Martell that I found this weekend and a lesson from Ryan Fletcher.

In Dan's book he says, "The more I work, the more productive my business will be. On the surface, this makes sense. Work hard, stay ahead. That's the enticing part- the reason we get tricked. But over time, a hard-work ethic can lead entrepreneurs to believe one thing: more input, more output."

This is the fallacy.

Ryan says, "Poor systems & processes cause so many entrepreneurs and aspiring real estate investors to struggle. They end up with income but no time. Or time but no income. One without the other is a recipe for business failure. Not to mention, health and relationship failures too."

So how do we escape this trap of more, more more?

Ryan teaches this concept of a business should give you a ROI (return on investment) & a ROT (return on time).

But here's the rub...entrepreneurs like me are so delusional that we believe that well if I can make a bunch of money I can go back and fix my lack of ROT.


I tried this it didn't work.

You have to design the business with the goal in mind from the start or it'll be like moving a mountain to get back your ROT.

So while everyone jumps onboard to congratulate the people who say I worked 14 hours per day to close 12 deals I know what's lurking around the corner for them.

I set out the caution flags, the warning signs and yell STOP!

You don't need to hustle so damn hard if you have the right systems and process in have leverage!

Leverage helps you receive the same output with less input.

That’s why I created the 2 Hour Wholesaler.

Sure I could work more if you wanted but does that move me closer to my goal?

My goal isn’t to get rich wholesaling…it’s to make enough money to enjoy my kids before the grow up.

Wholesaling is the entry point to doing flips, buying rentals and building wealth.

I have just found a system that’s different than the Gooorooos push on social media.

It’s simpler, it’s easier, its more fun.

You can see if for yourself here:

If you want me to build it for you so you can go FASTER just reply “I’m in” there’s still spots available for the get shit done workshop next week.

Xavier Major

P.S Whenever people tell me things can only be done one way or they can’t be done I just smile and say “Don’t believe them”. They aren’t me so how could they know what I can and can’t do!